Mind Your Head

GR Analytics

  • Severstal2

    Political preferences research and esteem of citizen protest moods in the Company host city. Forming the current political map viewed by municipal constituent body (parties rating, perception of political leaders).

    A reputation audit of the Company among representatives of government regulatory agencies (government departments, ministries and associations).

  • Xeroxeng2

    Assessment of R&D center setup outlook in Russia.

  • Delovaya Rossiya

    Preparation of a report for key agencies assessing competitiveness of Russian power-plant engineering sector. Identifying market challenges and optimal approaches and actions in government support to the industry.

    Analysis of prospects for assessment of regulatory control (a systematic approach to industries and markets government regulation) using the example of the Russian IT and communications sector.

  • HeidelbergCement

    Evaluation of reputational and administrative risks associated with the Company’s presence on the market.

  • ECS

    Audit of company image with the key influencers in Russian government shaping the regulatory landscape in printing equipment and printing market.

  • NVision

    A reputation audit among representatives of government agencies.

  • Atomenergomash

    A reputation audit of the energy machine-builder, Atomenergomash Holding OJSC, as perceived by representatives of specialized regulatory government agencies prior to design of a development strategy for the energy and machine-building Holding.

  • Крупнейшая российская железнодорожная компания

    Provision of business analytics for the third phase of the railway reform project.

    Preparation of an analytical report and information map to forecast the development of Russian transport system up to 2025.

    Assessing the contribution of various transport sub-sectors (railway, automobile, air, sea and river transport) to national development objectives: increase of labour and social mobility by improvement of transport safety; making the transport sector more investable; and enhancing overall stability of the Russian economy.

  • Системный интегратор и IT-консультант

    Analysis of the crisis trend of changes in demand and supply automation services General government: the supply of equipment, system integration and IT consulting, IT outsourcing.

  • Крупная инфраструктурная компания

    Informational and analytical support for industry reform. Studies and analysis of international experience of industry reform.  

  • Крупная транснациональная корпорация

    Assessment of threats associated with antimonopoly regulation of the industry.

    A program of GR-support for the company’s business in Russia in the medium-term (2013-2015) at the federal level of government.

  • Крупная транспортно-логистическая компания

    Audit of brand strength and values perceived by front-line employees (employees who communicate with customers at various stages of service provision).

  • Minkomsvyaz

    Mass media industry development strategy design up to 2020.

  • Minobrazovaniya

    Analysis of top international practices in networked primary and secondary professional education institutions and evaluation of Russian practice efficiency.

    Information and analysis bulletin on implementation of the Russian language federal target programme.

    Analysis of use of the Russian language in Ukraine and Finland.

    A study of the existing system and conditions for education of children with special needs in all constituent territories of the Russian Federation (as part of the federal target programme for 2011-2015, Modernization of general and pre-school education as a social development institution).

    Design of mechanisms to ensure that education services are available to people with disabilities: recommendations for improving the regulatory and legal framework to prevent discrimination; recommendations for creation of a barrier-free school environment, including construction standards and rules.

  • Microsoft

    Reputational audit of public authorities.


    Strategy development for entry into Kazakhstan IT market, evaluation of market potential on the part of governmental organizations and state-owned companies.
    Audit of top manager's image with the key influencers in Russian government.

  • Rosbiznesconslating

    Setting up a round table including industry-affecting government officials in the course of Russia's Best ICT Region project.


    Positioning a deal for large data storage systems deployment project in a federal state-owned company as a flagship element of the strategy to enter Russian data storage and processing systems market.

  • AP KIT

    Russian ICT industry development concept design (for the Ministry of communications and mass media of the Russian Federation); research, analysis and forecast of state regulatory politics and directions for ICT industry in Russia between 2008 and 2011.

  • Peter Hambro

    Strategic assessment of company readiness for public and foreign policy exposureprior to launch of projects with strategic impact on economy and importance for the government.