Investment Analytics
Commercial Data Center services market forecast in Moscow region for 2013 - 2015 in the segment of large enterprise accounts. Analytical support of investment decisions into Data Center project.
Comparative analysis of Russian innovation forums. Development of a model and a business plan for a major innovation forum in Russia.
A reputation audit of the Company among investment community representatives of the.
Assessment of R&D center setup outlook in Russia.
Annual report production for OAO Mezhregionalnaya Raspredelitelnaya Setevaya Kompaniya Volgi (OAO MRSK Volgi).
Identifying opportune regions for courier delivery business development (setting up subsidiaries, logistics centers, etc.).
Marketing audit of a business plan to set up a distribution company in Kazakhstan.
Formulating development strategy to attract investment.
Investor relations program development.
Крупнейшая российская железнодорожная компания
Audit of company image in investment community; formulating issuer's objectives towards investment community.
New Production Center business plan development for Mikhailov and Partners Group.
Overseas Hоlding. Corporate investor relations system development.
Holding governance change plan development in boosted asset growth scenario.
Provision of informational support for a series of M&A deals. Sergey Chliyants' New Cinema Studio (previously known as Pygmalion Production) business plan development in order to attract a strategic investor.
New Russia-wide multi-service network (interactive TV, Internet, telephony, security) business plan development for innovative TEKHNOPROM Corporation (including commercial evaluation, break-even analysis, comparative evaluation of different network deployment scenarios, market assessment and revenue forecast for core and supplementary services).
Russian polypropylene market research and business plan development to create a trading house for polypropylene factory (including investment justification, break-even analysis and break-even point forecasting for various product sales scenarios) for INTEKO Company.
Development of business plans for Media Partner Holding:
To create a full-service multi-mode routing and ticketing Internet portal for travelers in Russia,
To develop Press-Code corporate media publishing company.